about the survey
when: survey conducted June/July 2022
who: leaders, individual contributors, coaches, trainers, and consultants; ages 18-65+
purpose: participants were asked to rate levels of improvement
they experienced from Enneagram training.
survey taken by 796 people from 49 countries
Results of Survey
Consistent positive results were reported throughout the world.
Key power skills and many qualities of emotional intelligence improve with Enneagram training.
Explaining the Results
Percentages represent top two ratings: High + Good—combined.
Improvement in four PERSONAL attributes
Working on my development 83%
Honoring personal strengths 82%
Increased compassion for others 81%
Increased empathy 80%
The Enneagram helps build stronger RELATIONSHIPS— individuals, teams and leaders
Compassion for others 81%
Improved work relationships 79%
Empathy from leaders 76%
Relationships with colleagues 76%
Respect and trust on teams 72%
Empathy and support on teams 72%
Relationships with managers 70%
COMMUNICATION is honed with Enneagram training
Leaders 78%
Personal 77%
Observed among others 74%
Teams 73%
Impact even BEYOND WORK
Improved non-work relationships 76%
Surprising upshot — CAREER ADVANCEMENT!
Received a promotion 41%
The Enneagram builds PERSONAL QUALITIES
Communication 77%
Well-being 75%
Sense of empowerment 71%
Communication 78%
Empathy 76%
Overall effectiveness 71%
The Enneagram builds TEAM QUALITIES
Empathy and support 77%
Communication 73%
Respect and trust 72%